The textbook covers the entire spectrum of Islamic philosophical thought, highlighting its development from the inception of philosophical reflection to the present. The main directions and schools of the classical period are considered: mutazilism, falsafa, the philosophy of enlightenment, the philosophical teachings of the Ismailis and Sufis. Ibn Khaldun's concept and the philosophy of the Safavid era represent the post-classical stage. The philosophical searches of the Arab-Muslim thinkers of our time are covered in detail. The textbook examines the features of the authoritative texts of Islam (the Koran and Sunnah), the main features of Islamic doctrine, law and ethics, which are of decisive importance for the worldview of Muslims.
In accordance with the structure of the textbook, the authors have compiled an anthology of Arab-Muslim philosophy. Many translations were made specifically for this edition or published in a new edition and with updated comments. For the first time, under one cover, there are collected works representing the entire tradition of Arab-Muslim philosophy from its inception to the present.
For students of philosophy, oriental studies, religious studies, cultural studies, as well as all those interested in the problems of Muslim culture.
History of Arab-Muslim philosophy Textbook and Anthology